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How to pHLIp:




B100 Fuel Quality Test Kit:

Add biodiesel to indicator solution, cap, “pHLip” (flip) & wait 10 min.

Visual check, not quantitative; Nearly as sensitive as ASTM tests in detecting dissolved contaminants

Use the squeeze bulb to transfer B100 to a test vial if Indicator solution—fill to nearly the top leaving an air space.

Tighten cap and pHLip (flip) the vial 10 times gently, then let stand 10 min.

Look for “Clear and Bright” fuel floating on the indicator solution; the Indicator should remain “cherry red” and have no turbidity whatsoever.

Visual results may include turbidity, color change, presence of debris, and “mirror finish” on the interface.

For interpretation of results, a reference fuel is available and an interpretation guide is available with  the kit.



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Last modified: 08/20/2015